Be Positive: Positive Affirmations
Celebrate your victory & learn from your failures, but most importantly keep a positive attitude while you do both. It can be hard to keep a positive attitude when you feel like you are failing. It can be difficult to keep a positive attitude when things are going wrong, but that positive attitude can help you deal with the negative feelings, when you stay positive you are more likely to find positive solutions.
It is easy for me to tell you to keep a positive attitude and it is one of those things that are easier said than done, but if you work on it you can build the habit of positivity.
It is easy for me to tell you to keep a positive attitude and it is one of those things that are easier said than done, but if you work on it you can build the habit of positivity.
One of the easiest ways to start building the habit of staying positive is by saying positive affirmations. “Positive affirmations are statements which affirm something to be true….what most people mean by them are positive phrases which you repeat to yourself which describe how you want to be.”
( Positive affirmations are the things we tell ourselves about ourselves.
Our internal dialogue will steer us into the direction we are going. If you are constantly speaking negatively about yourself or your situation, you may find yourself in more negative situations. However, if your internal dialogue is positive you will be in a better mood, you will find the good in all situations, you'll be able to find solutions quickly and you will be able to emotionally deal with loss.
So let's build positive affirmation. Think of the future you want for yourself. See yourself there already how do you feel about yourself at that moment. How would you describe your future successful self? Use those feelings to begin to draft your positive affirmations. Think about how you will get there, use those words to bring your positive affirmations together.
Tell yourself
“I am a doer who sizes opportunities”
“ I am energized and ready to conquer the day”
“I Believe in my skills and abilities “
Once you come up with your positive affirmations write them down, type them up or print them out. Read them to yourself daily. Build the habit of positive thinking whether you are in a good mood or whether things are going bad.
Once you build the habit of saying positive affirmations daily, you will start seeing changes in your life. While positive affirmation will not make the bad situations go away “ research suggests that it can minimize anxiety, stress, and defensiveness associated with threats to our sense of self”. ( Use positive affirmations to help yourself develop a positive mindset.
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